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Visit Our Fireplace Store

True winter weather is just around the corner! So, now is the perfect time to start thinking about adding a new heating appliance to your home. Whether you want to upgrade an old wood stove, switch fuel sources, or install a more energy efficient insert, our expert staff at the Clean Sweeps of Michigan fireplace store can help you find the perfect heating appliance for your home!

Visit Our Fireplace Store - Ann Arbor Michigan - Clean Sweeps Of MichiganThe benefit of a fireplace in your home:

Fireplaces do more than just add heat and warmth to your home; they also increase its value and can help it sell faster in the future! According to the National Association of Home Builders, fireplaces are the second most popular home feature that buyers look for. In addition, buyers are willing to spend as much as $1,400 more on a house with a fireplace. By upgrading an older heating appliance or installing a new fireplace in your home, you will get all the benefits of safe, energy efficient heat – as well as see a high return on investment if you decide to sell your home in the future.

Finding the right fireplace:

With so many options in terms of size, style, fuel choice, and more, finding the right fireplace can be difficult. Before shopping, ask yourself these questions to help narrow down the heating appliance that is best for you and your home.

  • What style of fireplace do I want?
  • How much heat do I need?
  • What fuel do I want to burn?
  • How much maintenance do I want to do?
  • What is my budget?

Why shop at a fireplace store?

When shopping for a new fireplace, stove, or insert, don’t make your first stop at a big box store. Instead of wandering endlessly trying to find someone who can answer your questions, trust the friendly fireplace experts at Clean Sweeps of Michigan. We can help you find the perfect fireplace for your home. Our staff is happy to take the time to sit down with each of our customers. We’ll help make recommendations based on their home, existing fireplaces, and heating needs.

At Clean Sweeps of Michigan, we are your one stop shop for all of your chimney and fireplace needs. From picking out your new heating appliance, to installing and maintaining it, our expert staff will be with you every step of the way. Because fireplaces are all we do, you can trust our staff to be trained and knowledgeable about all our high quality products. Likewise, our fireplace store allows you to see a fireplace. Unlike others where you buy it instead by just looking at pictures on a box or online.

Come see us today!

If you’re ready to keep your home warm and cozy this winter with a new heating appliance, don’t delay. Come visit our fireplace store at Clean Sweeps of Michigan today! Our staff can help you find the perfect fireplace, stove, or insert for your home and have it installed and ready to use before winter arrives!

Contact a Chimney Sweep for Fireplace Recommendations

Choosing the right fireplace is more complicated than many homeowners realize, involving considerations of size and materials along with style and function. The efficiency and durability of the fireplace is at stake, so it is best to consult a chimney sweep. These professionally trained and certified individuals know more about fireplaces and codes than any homeowner possibly could.

Recommending a Fireplace - Ann Arbor MI - Clean Sweeps of Michigan

To decide on a fireplace without seeking the advice of a chimney sweep is like choosing a medication without consulting your doctor. Your safety and health are ultimately at risk, so make the call and schedule a chimney sweep to come take a look at your house. The recommendations he can give you will prove time saving, cost effective, and invaluable in terms of air quality and overall performance.

A chimney sweep will correctly determine the size that your fireplace opening needs to be in order to maximize its efficiency. Improper sizing results in poor drafting, leaving smoke in the room and causing hazardous gases to remain in the chimney. Removing those gases from the home is the primary function of the chimney and cannot be properly achieved if the fireplace opening is the wrong size.

Your chimney sweep will also discuss the benefits of a fireback, or metal plate at the back of the fireplace, which radiates heat back into the room. Its energy efficiency makes it an almost invaluable part of a well functioning fireplace and yet they are rarely included by builders. Glass doors not only increase the heat generated by a fireplace but prevent sparks from flying into the room.

Blowers will also be discussed, an efficient way to move heat back into the room and excellent in combination with glass doors. In addition, a professional chimney sweep will inform a homeowner’s decision with available firebrick choices. With its resistance to penetration by water of primary concern, the harder the brick, the better its ability to withstand moisture.

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