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Closing Out Your Fireplace For The Season

Punxsutawney Phil may have seen his shadow and predicted six more weeks of winter. However, spring will be here before we know it! As warmer temperatures arrive, many homeowners will stop using their fireplaces until the following fall.

Simply closing the glass doors and putting the wood and fireplace tools away isn’t enough. Take the time to close out your fireplace and chimney for the season. These four easy steps will ensure your fireplace is ready to use again in the fall.

Clean the fireplace.

This might seem obvious, but cleaning the fireplace is the best way to close out your fireplace for the season. Remove any remaining ashes or soot from the fireplace. Now may be the time to bust out the Shop Vac. This is to get into the nooks, crannies, and corners of your unit. In addition, take the time to clean your fireplace tools, pokers, log racks, ash containers, and more.

In addition to cleaning out the fireplace, spring is a great season to have your chimney swept. After a long winter of use, most chimneys are in need of a good sweeping; having your chimney swept in the spring can remove deposits of ash, soot, and flammable creosote from inside the flue, leaving your chimney ready for use again in the fall.

Inspect the chimney.

With a combination of freezing temperatures and exposure to snow and ice, winter is the toughest season on your chimney season. Because of this, most masonry damage occurs during the winter months; having your chimney inspected in the spring can ensure that your chimney’s bricks and mortar are free from cracks, chips, holes, or other signs of water damage.

In addition to checking your masonry for signs of damage, a chimney inspection will evaluate the other accessible interior and exterior portions of your fireplace and chimney system. This can also be used as a useful tool in diagnosing any ongoing performance problems such as drafts, leaks, odors, and more.

Close the damper.

When your wood burning fireplace is not in use, the damper should be closed. Closing the damper tightly ensures that no conditioned air from your home is being lost up the chimney. Also, that no outside air is coming in and affecting your home’s temperature. Using a damper in combination with glass doors can help create an even tighter seal between your home and outside air.

Turn off the pilot light.

If you have a gas fireplace, it has a pilot light. The pilot light is a small flame that remains lit at all times when the unit is connected. This allows the fire to ignite when the fireplace is turned on. While it is small, the pilot light continues to use energy the entire time it is lit. If you do not plan on using your fireplace for several months, you may save energy by turning off the unit. In addition, turning off the pilot light completely.

Spring is just around the corner; call Clean Sweeps of Michigan today and schedule your appointment to help close down your fireplace for the season!

Proper Ash Removal

When it comes to fireplace safety, many homeowners believe that their worries end as soon as the fire goes out. However, there is one important part of using a fireplace that should not be ignored – proper ash removal.

Knowing how to correctly remove and dispose of your ashes can not only make your home safer, but can also keep you from creating unnecessary messes and even be used in unexpected alternative ways. By taking the time to do it the right way, homeowners can rest assured that they have done everything in their power to keep their families and homes safe from accidental fires.

Proper ash removal - Ann Arbor MI - Clean Sweeps of michigan


Are ashes dangerous?

The limp and lifeless ashes that are left over after a fire are anything but menacing. While there is nothing inherently dangerous about ashes themselves, it’s what can be hidden in the ashes that can cause a safety concern.

Hot coals and embers can become trapped or hidden in pockets of ash; even after the fires dies out and the ashes begin to cool, these embers can remain dormant and ignite later on. “Wood ashes retain enough heat to ignite other combustible materials for several days.” This means that homeowners need to treat ash removal with care and caution, even if the fire has been out for some time.

Removing ashes – the wrong way

While everyone has their favorite way of cleaning the fireplace, many of the most popular ash removal methods are unsafe and incorrect. The following are a few examples of dangerous – or dirty – ash removal methods that should not be used.

  • Vacuum: Even if your vacuum has a HEPA filter, the fine ash particles often become airborne. This not only pollutes your air quality but can also stain walls and furnishings.
  • Paper bags: Putting ashes into a combustible container like a paper bag or cardboard box can lead to an unintentional fire if any coals or embers remain.
  • Trash cans: Many trash or dumpster fires are caused each year by not-quite cold ashes being mixed in with regular garbage.

Removing ashes – the right way!

Removing ashes the right way takes three things: time, patience, and a proper ash container. First, homeowners should let fires naturally extinguish. During this process, it is important to stoke and move the ashes frequently to prevent any coals or embers from remaining hidden in the ash. Depending on the size of the fire and how much wood was used, it may take a full day or longer for the ashes to cool completely.

After the ashes have cooled, it is important that they are placed in a proper container. A good ash container is metal, has a fitted lid, and does not sit directly on the ground. Ash containers should never be placed near combustible materials; this includes being stored indoors or in garages or sheds. Lastly, follow local rules or regulations when it comes to the time and location of ash disposal; many trash companies have rules about ash being picked up with regular garbage, even it is in a separate container.

If you don’t want your ashes to go to waste, consider using them in an alternative way. Ashes can be sprinkled in the garden to work as both a fertilizer and bug repellent. Likewise, they can also be used as a natural deicer for driveways and sidewalks – as long as you don’t mind dirty shoes!

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